Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies / Revue canadienne d’études néerlandaises

Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies / Revue canadienne d’études néerlandaises (CJNS/RCÉN) is published twice a year. It offers a variety of articles on the culture of the Low Countries.

CJNS/RCÉN is published by the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies / Association canadienne pour l’avancement des études néerlandaises (CAANS-ACAEN).
CJNS/RCÉN is indexed in: MLA Bibliography; Bibliographie van Nederlandse taal- en literatuurwetenschap; Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie linguistique; Bibliography of the History of Art; Historical Abstracts; American History and Life.

CJNS/RCÉN is produced with the generous support of the Nederlandse Taalunie, and of Dr. Cecil Houston, Executive Dean of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Windsor. In-kind support is provided by the University of Lethbridge Journal Incubator (, a joint initiative of the University of Lethbridge School of Graduate Studies and University of Lethbridge Library.

Digital Medievalist

Digital Medievalist is an international web-based community for medievalists working with digital media. It was established in 2003 to help scholars meet the increasingly sophisticated demands faced by designers of contemporary digital projects. Digital Medievalist publishes an open access journal, sponsors conference sessions, runs an email discussion list and encourages best practice in digital medieval resource creation.

Membership in Digital Medievalist is open to anyone with an interest in its subject matter, without regard to skill or previous experience in Digital Humanities or Medieval Studies. Participants range from novices contemplating their first project to many of the pioneers in our field. There are, as of 5 May 2012, a total of 744 members of the mailing list.

The project is hosted at the University of Lethbridge, and overseen by an international executive of medievalists with extensive experience in the use of digital media.

Digital Studies / Le champ numérique

Digital Studies / Le champ numérique (ISSN 1918-3666) is a refereed academic journal serving as a formal arena for scholarly activity and as an academic resource for researchers in the digital humanities. DS/CN is published by the Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs (SDH/SEMI), a partner in the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO). DS/CN was founded for SDH/SEMI at the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, University of Victoria, in 2008 by Ray Siemens and Christian Vandendorpe.

Welcome to the Lethbridge Journal Incubator website

This is the new webspace for the Lethbridge Journal Incubator. We use it to provide space to the journals in our collection, post manuals and tips, and to host our calendar.

Please feel free to get in touch with us!