Roundup of citations of the Lethbridge Journal Incubator
The Journal Incubator is getting on about 5 years, now. In that time, it’s been the subject of a number of mentions in various contexts: from articles by students and faculty associated with the Incubator, to passing notices of our talks or use of our CC-Licensed material.
Here’s a list of...Read More »
The Lethbridge Journal Incubator: Leveraging the Educational Potential of the Scholarly Communication Process

The Lethbridge Journal incubator is an experiment in the sustainability of academic publishing. The incubator attempts to ensure this sustainability by aligning the publishing processes with the research, teaching, and service missions of the University. Instead of drawing resources away from these central missions, academic communication under this model become...Read More »
The incubator workflow

This is an outline (seen from the point of view of the scientific editor of a journal) of our standard workflow.
Our standard workflow. Each journal in the incubator adapts the workflow to match their specific needs and existing processes. Sections in red...Read More »
Welcome to the Lethbridge Journal Incubator website
This is the new webspace for the Lethbridge Journal Incubator. We use it to provide space to the journals in our collection, post manuals and tips, and to host our calendar.
Please feel free to get in touch with us!
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